I see in Site Detail in part maintenance you can check Raw Material under Manufacturing. What does this do for you?
I always have the most embarrassingly easy questions.
I see in Site Detail in part maintenance you can check Raw Material under Manufacturing. What does this do for you?
I always have the most embarrassingly easy questions.
It is NOT embarrassingly easy… more like embarrassingly frustrating! I’ve never even looked twice at that field.
Just now I did some looking, and the field only opens for input if the SourceType is “Purchased”, for all other types it remains greyed out.
System help just says, “Raw Material”. It exists in v10.2.700 and onward, but no further information is available. @bconner? @timshuwy?
EDIT: it may well exist before 10.2.700, that’s just as far back as I have access to
We do a pricing analysis on raw materials, but not all purchased parts. Having a flag to indicate raw materials would be helpful right there. Right now the method is to recognize the part numbers which is not great.
This is from the Help file.
Something to do with MicroEstimating
Here is a little more