Random nonsense about grammar and other đŸ’©

Due to my grammar/spelling punctuation OCD, I couldn’t care less how you solve this problem because you are tormenting me by calling it Daylight Savings Time. The correct word is Saving. Not Savings. One S. In your head, each time you say Savings you should hear the Jeopardy noise that signals a wrong answer. Repeatedly, with increasing volume, until you get it right. Like shock therapy.

and don’t get me started on Smokey Bear vs. Smokey THE Bear. Don’t go there.


Show Me: “Daylight Savings Time”

I wonder what Winnie Pooh thinks of your outbursts?

Or Kermit T. Frog

She would be missing her middle name, which is The. As would Kermie.

Smokey does not have a middle name. His birth certificate clearly says first name Smokey, last name Bear, no middle name. Some moron wrote a song later and added THE but that is not his name. And now it can’t be undone. The damage has been unleashed. I will take this to my grave.

Please don’t feel too bad, @c.buchanan. We all have our mishegoss

Mine is light switches. “Off” means the switch is down. “On” means it’s up. I am MOSTLY able to stay controlled for duplex switches if they’re at least the SAME for “Off” (either both up or both down)
 but triplex switches make me start shaking. And we have several of these in our new house.

My wife doesn’t understand.


Over It Reaction GIF by Women's History

A few of of mine are:

  • The use of the word “irregardless”
  • When some one says “Lower the A/C”. Do you want me to lower the setpoint, so that it is even colder? Or raise the setpoint so that “less cooling” is being done?
  • “Are the windows up? It’s starting to rain.” Well, I want my house windows down, but my car windows up.

Yes., no matter how many “reoccurances” of it I hear.

Yes, thank you, it’s been bugging me, too. I almost said something. Just wasn’t in the mood to argue that day. Must have been an off day.

Yeah I read that a few weeks ago. Blew my mind.

There’s a term for this, I think, for phrases that everyone gets wrong but collectively we are all deceived. Like in Casablanca, no one ever says, “Play it again, Sam.” Nor does Darth Vader say (exactly) “Luke, I am your father.”

I honestly never knew it was ‘Saving’. I went back and edited my posts for you all. :slight_smile:

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getting back to Manufacturing concepts for a moment
 In Epicor we call production orders “Jobs”
 but in some systems they are called “Work Orders”
 but in the UK they call them “Works Orders” (with an S at the end of “work”

 I had to ask
 when worksing with a customer in the UK, why they kept saying “works order” they said:
 The factory is also called the ‘Works’
 as in a set of machines or sites
 ‘The Works’
 so, a Works Order is an order for the Works.”

Language will get you sometimes.


The Mandela Effect. That’s what it was.

From the pinnacle of journalism, Good Housekeeping:

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The UK says that 1 + 1 is maths


Well, they also pronounce lieutenant with an “F” sound; “leftenant”

@Doug.C I have that same pet-peeve and @Ernie’s one with the light switches.

I never understood the advantage to the “No” option
 until I had kids.

Then it hit me: cats. If you install TP like the “yes” option, a cat will unravel the roll with their paws. Also, a 1-year old human will. But not if you do it backwards. Yes, it’s backwards, i.e. wrong.

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Sorry, i couldn’t resist:

but then again:


Dogs + college age kids. I’ve left the dark side.

Plus with the roll coming over, it’s much easier to tape a plastic bug to the back side so I can hear them scream in the middle of the night on April 1st.

PSA: Not a funny thing to do to your spouse/partner.

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I’d rather have the “You Monster” than the “No” one any day.