@discobot fortune for jose
Cannot predict now
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it. — Tom Lehrer
To be wrong is nothing unless you continue to remember it. — Confucius
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for. — Maureen Dowd
One of my favorite School House Rocks
Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will. — Robert Anthony
Robert Anthony was obviously not an Engineer. Finding “the reasons why something may not work” is our bread and butter.
Seriously though, I had a boss (non-tech person) that scolded me for being too negative in meetings. I had to inform her that a primary function of an engineers job is to identify things that prevent the product/project/task from working - and make sure they are addressed. “Hope is not a strategy”
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