Radio Button Customization will not refresh on load

I have a set of radio buttons within an Epic Group. They are working to set the value and write it to the table. However, when I open the form the value in the table is not being displayed on the form.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance.

The Radio Buttons need to have a value associated with each one. This value gets stored in the EpiBinding field. Could you screen shot the properties of one of the Radio Buttons?

The value is getting set in the table. I can see it in a BAQ. But when I open the form, the proper radio button is not selected.


Why did you use a number field and not a check box?

A Checkbox is only true/false.

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I assume you have numbers 1, 2, and 3?
I’m not 100% sure you can use a number field for Radio buttons. Check to see if the data is being written to the DB, if it is, then I assume the field should be ShortCharXX instead. Then you could store something like 1-High, 2-Medium, 3-Low.
Also, since this is E10, why not name the field something useful?

Yes. I was thinking that there would be 3 check box fields, one for each radio button.

That would allow the user to select all 3 values.

It should not since they are in an EpiGroup. Unless I am remembering incorrectly.

If you want 3 or more potential values for a single field, you need Radio Buttons, BAQCombo, EpiCombo, or EpiUltraCombo. EpiCheckBox can only be true/false and will not uncheck another field without code.

We are hosted so it is a big deal to get the database reg. It is working and the vlaue of 1 2 or 3 is writing to the number10 field. This field is then being displayed on several dashboards and all this is working fine. I am only stumped because I cannot get the radio button to display the value that itis saving in the data base.

Would you try a text field instead? I don’t know if radio buttons can work in a numeric field like this.

Jason Woods

Try using ShortChar01 or something. I use Radio Buttons, mine work fine but with ShortChar