Hi everyone,
I am curious to know if anyone else is experiencing substantial speed issues once quotes hit around 50 or so lines. All our lines are entered via a product configurator. We have method directives and data directives enabled and we also have customisations on the form.
Is there anything I should be looking for? has anyone had the same problem and fixed it?
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
Depending on your version a simple trace log will show you a great deal of where your performance issue is located. Find which method takes the most time but also look for high numbers in the BPMs.
Yes, we had the same issue (v10.1.400). Once we got to about 25 lines, configurator would take over a minute to open…
We had (have) several performance issues caused by sloppy BPMs on the Quote and Sales Order business objects, but that didn’t explain the compounding effect of 25+ line quotes/orders (problem persisted after turning them all off).
What ended up helping us was creating a SQL index on the PCvalueset table. The compounding effect went away completely and we were left with our normal BPM performance issues…
Disclaimer – don’t carelessly go and create indexes after reading this. It worked for us, but your problem could be different. I would mention this possibility to Support or a technical/DBA consultant, and go from there.