I want to stop the Quoted checkbox from clearing he quoted dates when unchecked. Has anyone done anything like this and could point me in the right direction?
I don’t think you will be able to preserve them in the original fields. You can add a ud and put the date in there when the box is unchecked.
I think on a data directive the condition would be when the quoted flag goes from true to false
Action would be set the Datexx field to the date quoted field.
I have this for APInvoice amount. When the job misc code is changed a method directive pre-process bpm fires, grabs the amount and sets it to a callContextBPMData.Number01 and then a method directive post-process bpm fills in the number from callContextBPMData.Number01.
EDIT: Just tested it though, doesn’t seem to play nice on quote since it disables the date field.