Quote save pdf to disk when quoted

Hi all!

I was asked, when a Quote is being marked ‘Quoted’, if I could save the PDF of that Quote in a folder on my disk.
I can do BPMs and custom.

Is this possible to do?


I think the question is moreso “Why?” Why would you print/save something that can be reproduced at will?

I ask this for selfish reasons b/c I’ve been asked the same and they have yet to present any argument other than “We need a record of what we sent to the customer” to which my response is “it’s in your Sent Items…”

Yeah it’s the same answer I got.
“Oh in that way I would need to have an actual order in my Inobx, no way…”…

So I have to do it :sleepy:

I did something like this with Purchase Orders, though it’s a bit tricky to call the epicor reports in C#… You would need to investigate the Quote Report mechanisms to call and save the report. I got majority of the code off another post.

// Following routine meant to be accessed via Button from PO Screen.
// (1) Checks the PO is approved and there is an active PO on the form
// (2) Gets data from the form
// (3) Check if Approved and execute if so
// (4) Set Windows Cursor Window to “Waiting”
// (5) SQL To Retrieve Supplier Email Address -SQL Query
// (6) Call Epicor PO Form for PO Report - make the report from the PO data
// (7) Pull Down Generated Epicor Report and send to local and server directory
// (8) Send PDF to a server file (per user request…and copy to local file on user pc for emailing
// …not included for this post…(9) Open Outlook with the report as the attachment…
private void sendpo()
// Initialize and Set variables - Cannon Specific
EpiDataView edvPOHeader = (EpiDataView)oTrans.EpiDataViews[“POHeader”];
int PONUM;
string Approved;
string Supplier;
string CurrentCompany;
string emailtext = “Please review the attached and confirm prices and delivery lead-times.”;
string supplieremailaddress= “”;
string vendorname= “”;
string strConnect = @“server=;Database=;Trusted_Connection=True;”;
string localpath = “C:/temp/”;
string username = Environment.UserName;
string serverpath = @“///”+username+“/shared/PO/”; //custom stuff -

		// (1) check if there is data loaded into the form. if not return from method.
		if ( (bool)edvPOHeader.HasRow == false )
				MessageBox.Show("There is no data present to email");
		// (2) Get data from the form
		Approved = (string)edvPOHeader.dataView[edvPOHeader.Row]["ApprovalStatus"];
		PONUM = (int)edvPOHeader.dataView[edvPOHeader.Row]["PONum"];
		Supplier = (string)edvPOHeader.dataView[edvPOHeader.Row]["VendorVendorID"];
		CurrentCompany = (string)edvPOHeader.dataView[edvPOHeader.Row]["Company"];
		// (3) Check if Approved
		if (Approved == "A")
				//(4) Windows Cursor Window showing "Waiting"....
				Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

				//(5) SQL To Retrieve Supplier Email Address -SQL Query
				SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConnect);
				SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT EmailAddress from ERP.Vendor WHERE VendorID = '"+Supplier+"';", conn);
				supplieremailaddress= cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
				SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT Name from ERP.Vendor WHERE VendorID = '"+Supplier+"';", conn);
				vendorname = cmd2.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
				//(6) -- Call Epicor PO Form for PO Report - make the report from the PO data
				Erp.Proxy.Rpt.POFormImpl poform = WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl<Erp.Proxy.Rpt.POFormImpl>
					((Ice.Core.Session)oTrans.Session, Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase<Erp.Contracts.POFormSvcContract>.UriPath);   //poform is the object for PO methods
				Guid MyReportGuid = Guid.NewGuid();  	// Create a GUID ID to track the report later after generation.
				Erp.Rpt.POFormDataSet POFts = null;	  // Do a PO Form Data Set to work with (named here as POFTS)
				POFts = poform.GetNewParameters();
				POFts.POFormParam[0].AgentID 		= "SystemTaskAgent";			//Set Parameters....
				POFts.POFormParam[0].AutoAction 	 = "SSRSGenerate";
				POFts.POFormParam[0].DateFormat 	 = "dd/MM/yy";
				POFts.POFormParam[0].ArchiveCode 	= 1;
				POFts.POFormParam[0].SSRSRenderFormat = "PDF";	
				POFts.POFormParam[0].PONum = PONUM;
				POFts.POFormParam[0].ReportStyleNum = 1001;					// Set to Custom Report form
				POFts.POFormParam[0].TaskNote = String.Format("{0}",MyReportGuid);		//Set the Task Note to the Tracking GUID
				//MessageBox.Show("Run Direct ...");
				poform.RunDirect(POFts);   //Runs report - waits until finished/hangs.
				// Go Grab the Generated report, send to file system.
				//MessageBox.Show("Getting Report from Database...");
				string strMyReportGuid = String.Format("{0}",MyReportGuid);

				//(7) Pull Down Generated Epicor Report and send to local and server directory
				// SQL - Pull down report using Tracking GUID
				SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT rptdata from Ice.SysRptLst WHERE RptNote='"+strMyReportGuid+"';", conn);
				byte[] results = (byte[])cmd3.ExecuteScalar();
				string localfile  = localpath+PONUM+" - "+vendorname+".pdf";
				string serverfile = serverpath+PONUM+" - "+vendorname+".pdf";
				//(8) Send PDF to a server file (per user request...and copy to local file on user pc for emailing
				//Debug MessageBox.Show(@serverfile);
					System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@serverfile, results);

					System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@localfile, results);
					MessageBox.Show("Please create a "+@localpath+" directory ");
					Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;	 
				MessageBox.Show("PO must be approved before it can be sent out");
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