The company I am integrating with our instance of Epicor, has 300+ BOM/Sales Kits.
Scenario 1) When quoting a customer, they would like to bring in the BOM, but show all the components for the customer (sometime 30+ parts). I have not come up with a way to store the Part and then explode the components on the quote.
Scenario 2) The BOM would be a template as they may substitute some parts. In this the BOM part would not be on the Quote and only the induvial components.
Scenario 3) Sales Kits can help with this, but they also will make to stock these items when there is down time and store them in Inventory and Sales Kits are not (am I wrong) something that can be stored in inventory.
I have gotten nowhere with Epicor on this so posting here.
I may not be following well, but it sounds like you would like to have a single internal part that would have a BOM with all that customer’s parts. Then you would like to bring in the individual parts onto individual quote lines, correct?
The easiest thing to do would be to setup a dashboard that you could copy from and do a Paste - Insert in the Quote.
Yes. All that you described is possible and no coding required.
Make a BAQ from the PartMtl table. That will get your BOM data. Then make a Dashboard and deploy it.
Add it to a Menu and you are set.
You can add a Context Menu too.
Scenario 1) When quoting a customer, they would like to bring in the BOM, but show all the components for the customer (sometime 30+ parts). I have not come up with a way to store the Part and then explode the components on the quote.
Add the Kit Part to the line then Actions | Quote Line | Mfg Details | Get Details - this will bring in the “method of manufacture” (i.e. the materials) from the kit record
Scenario 2) The BOM would be a template as they may substitute some parts. In this the BOM part would not be on the Quote and only the individual components.
Select the Line Manufacturing Details sheet, expand the tree and replace any materials as required
Scenario 3) Sales Kits can help with this, but they also will make to stock these items when there is down time and store them in Inventory and Sales Kits are not (am I wrong) something that can be stored in inventory.
You are correct Sales Kits cannot be stored in inventory however my initial thoughts about what you could do is create a manufactured part for the kitted items that are going to be held in stock, the material would be the components (or sales kit). Then when you have downtime you can create a job for the kitted manufactured part, issue materials and book into stock. When sales come to sell the in stock kits they would use the manufactured part number.
Sounds like you are just needing to show the BOM materials but not price the individual materials or interact with them on the quote - correct? If so, you could create SSRS report styles for scenarios 1 and 2.
Jeff - no it is the interact with pricing. Not just a listing otherwise a report would work. I think the Dashboard to pull up the details is the example I will show off. Going to work on that tonight.