Quick Search


I created a quick search for the Inspection Processing screen. When I right click on the Reason field, I can navigate to the quick search. But I am not able to include the quick search under the search menu when I click on the binoculars icon on the top. How can I get my quick search entry to show up under the actual search menu on click of the binoculars icon? Any help is appreciated on this. Thank you.

The Inspection processing baq needs to be built from the Inspection Processing search and return on of the types of inspections.

Click the Binoculars and then search and right click to open quick search entry.

I did that, but it still doesn’t show up in the search menu. Am I missing something?

I did one also and it did not show. This is a special search, so it may not allow them.

I would ask support.

Okay. Thank you for your help.

Hi Devika, I’m trying to do the same thing. Did you ever get this quick search to work?

Hi, I could not find a way to do that so I reached out to Epicor support and they told me that this Classic form does not have the key field exposed, like the Part Number field in Classic Part Maintenance. Because of this, there is no way to create a QS such that it will be listed in the QS Tab in the Basic Search form. They suggested creating a Dashboard, using the BAQ, and then creating a Customization - to imbed that Dashboard into a Custom Sheet.