Quick Search Not Appearing In Quick Search tab

I tried to browse around on the forum, but didn’t find anything for this issue in 10.2.500

Here is something similar although I am trying to get my quick search to pop up on Price List Search from price list entry. Quick search........something silly i've missed, right?

I already review the Ice Tools tech ref guide about quick searches and played around with all the different options (at least I think I did), and still my quick search doesn’t appear in the Price List Entry>Price List Search> Quick Search tab (see photo below). I will also show how I have the quick search set up. My thought is that the “called from” object needs to be changed? Not sure… It shows up if I look in context menu, but why wouldn’t it show up in the quick search list?


Did you add search Criteria in Quick Search Maintenance?

Yeah Company = prompt

Here are two traces too, one working the other not:

Not working:

<![CDATA[ProductID = ‘EP’ AND SearchForm = ‘Price List Search’ AND CalledFrom = ‘Erp.UI.PriceLstEntry.dll’ AND UserId =


<![CDATA[ProductID = ‘EP’ AND SearchForm = ‘Demand Entry Search’ AND CalledFrom = ‘Erp.UI.DemandEntry.dll’ AND UserId =

Hmmm… I get the same thing.

  1. Created a BAQ with PriceLst_ListCode as a “Like” column

  2. Created the Quick Search

  3. Added a criteria (not that I think it matters)

  4. Tested it in QS Maintenance

  5. See it on the pop-up in Price List Maintenance
    And it works, choosing the Price list from this Open With … initiated search window, loads it into the Price List Maint form.

  6. Clear the Price List Maint form

  7. Use the search button and switch to Quick Search tab to see:

@ckrusen I am always amazed how far you go for everyone on this forum. Thanks for also trying the same in your system.

It seems like some sort of bug, but I didn’t trace any further to see if the search criteria on the BO method call was messed up or what it could be. I think I’ll report to epicor.


To keep it :100: - I really do it as a challenge & a chance to learn more.

P.S. - I hope no one that I help thinks I’m talking down to them by over explaining things with step by step pictures. I just fear that my thoughts might not come out right if I just shoot a one word sentence out. Plus I feel they can help a future passer by who might not be as knowledgeable as the OP.



Hi Utah,

I’ve had this happen to me a few times so I’ll be curious to know what you find out from support.

What if you restart the form?

Tip: Be aware that if you display the Quick Search Tab on a search form (program) and then create new quick search options, these new options do not immediately display on the Quick Search Tab grid. To add these quick searches, close the search form and its parent program. Now re-launch the parent program and the search form. When you display the Quick Search Tab, your new quick searches appear as expected.

Apparently the PriceLst Search button is special… it doesn’t look for PriceLst.ListCode but instead it looks for Quick Searches related to PriceLst.ListDescription so build your QuickSearch on the Description… not sure if you will be able to select it.

I think the PriceList Form is a bit messed up.


Another thing I noticed in 600 is when there are no QS I don’t even get the header anymore… just blank total.

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I can’t get the QuickSearch to appear when I click the button to search:

But if I right click the field and use Open With ...,


I can can search with that QS


Note that it becomes the “base” search

And very important for those doing tests…

The QS won’t show on the “Open With…” if it doesn’t have any criteria defined. So if you are just experimenting to see how the settings like Shared, All Occurrences, Context Default, etc… affect the QS, not having a criteria is what keeps it from showing on the “Open With …”.


Apparently the PriceLst Search button is special… it doesn’t look for PriceLst.ListCode but instead it looks for Quick Searches related to PriceLst.ListDescription

If you make a QuickSearch on the Description it will show-up :slight_smile: I say its a bug.

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I noticed it was looking at the description as well. I am assuming it is a bug.

Will probably call Epicor on it. Thanks @hkeric.wci