I'm working from memory (over a year since piloting and having to set this up) - but I seem to recall the expense code is based upon the department associated with the scheduled resource(s) spec'ed for each job OP. My educated guess is that for OPs with multiple required resources, the primary resource would determine the expense code.
If you use payroll (which we don't) I would suspect the actual reporting employee ID's related department's expense code would apply to payroll related cost absorption data (in parallel to job costing).
Perhaps someone using payroll could expand on the question and tell us if I'm all wet on that 2nd assumption. :)Rob
If you use payroll (which we don't) I would suspect the actual reporting employee ID's related department's expense code would apply to payroll related cost absorption data (in parallel to job costing).
Perhaps someone using payroll could expand on the question and tell us if I'm all wet on that 2nd assumption. :)Rob
--- On Thu, 4/30/09, Jonathan Lang <lsbestinc@...> wrote:
From: Jonathan Lang <lsbestinc@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Quick Question: Labor Entry
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 4:02 PM
I understand the Labor Expense Code Entry, but how does Vantage know which Expense Code to put in to that field on the Labor Edit Screen? I know the Operator, who uses MES, doesn't choose that, so how does Vantage know what to put into the Expense Code section?
Does that fiels ever change if there are multiple codes for each resource? Is this a Static Field?
Jonathan LangÂ
Oil Rite Corporation
Sr. Network Administrator
Ph: Ext: 126
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