Quick Job Entry

Has anyone attempted this
1)     Prompt for the same information as the Quick job create screen, but in a tabular, multiple create layout screen. Allow the user to enter up to 8 lines of info 8 job numbers, 8 part numbers, 8 quantities
2)     Have a button to Cancel and a button to Execute
3)Â Â Â Â Â When the user presses Execute then:
a.      Call the create job process, be it the fast screen or another.
b.     Save the job.
4)Â Â Â Â Â All data for the create job process should be passed from the screen.
5)Â Â Â Â Â The end result should be 8 jobs created with the 8 job numbers I have entered and the 8 part numbers, and the quantity.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Has anyone ever customized Quick Job Entry?

What I am looking to add is two custom fields on Quick Job Entry that
will link to the ProjectID and CommentText. None of these fields are
initially available so I created a FKV to the Jobhead. Now the table and
fields are available, but when I add them they are set as read only and
I can't change that.

I want to the user to enter information into these 2 fields, which are
currently set to Character01 and 02. Then I'll use a BPM to populate
that information to he Jobhead for the Project and Comment. Any ideas
why I can't get these to work? What could I be missing?


Travis Late

ERP Project Manager

M-B Companies, Inc

1200 Park Street

Chilton, WI 53014

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Email: tlate@... <mailto:tlate@...>

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