Questions on Job Batching (Advanced Production Module)

We don’t currently own the advanced production module. I’ve been trying to look through the help to see if it can do what we need. We have two situations I would like to use it for:

First case, parts burned on a plasma table. Lets say we have 5 orders that use the same raw material, and I will nest together:

  • Part A: Qty 4
  • Part B: Qty: 2
  • Part C: Qty: 3
  • Part D: Qty: 2
  • Part E: Qty: 4

Lets say the nests turn out as such:

Nest 1:

  • (4) Part A
  • (2) Part B
  • (1) Part C

Nest 2:

  • (2) Part C
  • (2) Part D
  • (4) Part E

You can see Part C has be split across two different nests (batches). Is this possible to do with batching, or do you have to batch the entire jobs? What happens if the 1 piece of part C come out bad?

The second situation I was wondering about is if jobs can be batched multiple times. For example, a bunch of parts that are all burned on the plasma table, then all get different intermediary operations, but all finish with a painting operation. Can make a batch job for the plasma and the painting, while leaving the original jobs with the intermediary operations?

How is scrap handled? Like if you produce __ lbs of scrap setting up a machine to do a batch job, how is the cost distributed over the parent jobs?

Hopefully some of you folks that have experience with batch jobs can chime in.

You have to batch the entire job. You would need to split the job for part c first and batch each job separately.

You batch by first selecting a specific operation, and then you either batch all the way to the end of the BOO, or all the way to the beginning of the BOO, from the operation you select, you can’t skip or pick/choose what ops get batched and what don’t.

Okay, so I might be able to make some kind of customization that splits the jobs for me and then does the batching.

I understand a batch has to go all the way to the start or end, but can you batch twice?

So this is impossible:

  • Op 10
  • Op 20 - BATCH
  • Op 30 - BATCH
  • Op 40

But is this possible?

  • Op 10 - BATCH 1
  • Op 20
  • Op 30
  • Op 40 - BATCH 2

I’ve never tried that before you madman.

e:You might actually be able to do both of those if your idea works. I mean why wouldn’t it, it still leaves the unbatched jobs/ops intact.

e2: ok yeah I see that your first example would never work. But the second one I don’t see why not, I’ve just never had the need to do it.

Okay, last part of the question, about bad parts. What is the process if you batch a bunch of jobs together, but only one job in the batch has scrap?

The second one should work because you would batch op 10 backwards and then batch op 40 forwards.

You report scrap at the co-part level, so you can scrap all of one of the parts and none of the others.