Question on NonStock field

We had a couple orders recently where we didn’t stock the parts we needed, and that was not what we intended. We found the problem was caused by a min on hand of 0. In order to be proactive and identify other problems we created a query to find all manufactured parts, that are marked as stock, and have a min on hand of 0. We found several parts that we don’t intend to stock, so have been checking the non-stock flag. I’m want to make sure we understand the repercussions of checking this flag so we don’t create new problems.

Hi Eddie,

I believe a nonstock part will default to have its demand fulfilled by either a Make to Order (if mfd type on part / partplant tab) or a Buy to Order (if purch type on part / partplant tab). So the system will expect a direct tie to a job or purchase order, respectively.


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To me, the Non-Stock Flag is one of the most confusing. The documentation isn’t as complete on the field as it should be. The Online Help goes into a lot of detail, but there are some things I’ve found that the Non-Stock flag affects, which aren’t in the help description.

Click to show the Help (for version 10.2.300)

Non-Stock Item

Designates if this is a non-stock item that is not normally stocked within your inventory, and how part requirements are satisfied.

When selected, this check box indicates that this part is not normally stocked within your inventory. Both purchased and manufactured parts can be either stocked or non-stocked. If you enter a non-stocked part in the Part Master file, its default description appears (just like stocked items) when you enter the associated part number on an order or a job.

  • The Non-Stock Item indicator controls the default Manufacture value for order releases in Sales Order Entry, and the default Purchase value for material requirements in Job Entry. Non-stock items default as “Make” or “Purchase” when they are entered in these programs .
  • If a part is selected as Non-Stock, the item defaults as a Pull as Assembly and View as Assembly if it is involved with a bill of material, when processing MRP, and when the Epicor application generates PO suggestions. If you choose, non-stocked parts can be excluded from various inventory reports.

Example: You take an order for a part you have not made before and do not expect to make again. The part should be entered into the Epicor application and designated as a Non-Stock part. The part appears in the parts search browser when you enter the order. When you select the part from this browser the associated part description automatically appears in the order. By default, the Epicor application marks the item as a “manufactured” part in the order, indicating that you do not have the part on hand, but must make it.

This check box determines how part requirements are satisfied.

  • If a Manufactured part is Non-Stock , the part is not normally stocked; therefore, all requirements are satisfied by jobs. If the requirement is from a sales order, that order is linked to a job which is satisfied by the demand. If the requirement is from another part (for example, the current part is a sub-assembly); the demand is satisfied by creating a sub-assembly level on the same job.
  • If a Manufactured part is Stock , all requirements are satisfied from inventory and create allocations to pull the material on its need date. Requirements include any minimum, maximum, and/or safety stock levels as well as requirements from sales orders or other jobs.
  • If a Purchased part is Non-Stock , the part is not normally stocked; therefore, all requirements are satisfied by purchase orders linked to the job which created the requirement. This creates a purchasing suggestion for the part.
  • If a Purchased part is Stock , all requirements are satisfied from inventory and allocations are created to pull the material on its need date. Requirements include any minimum, maximum, and/or safety stock levels as well as requirements from sales orders or jobs.
  • If a Sales Kit is Non-Stock , the parent kit part is not normally stocked. This does not create a manufacturing suggestion as sales kits are not manufactured.
  • If a Sales Kit is Stock , all requirements are satisfied from inventory and allocations are created to pull the sales kit components on the parent kit part’s need date. Requirements include any minimum, maximum, and/or safety stock levels as well as requirements from sales orders or other jobs for the kit components.


The confusion about the “Non-Stocked” flag mostly comes from the fact that many of the things described about the Flag are things that the Qty Bearing flag should be used for. Nowhere in that help description of Non-stock, does it even mention the Qty Bearing flag.

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Here is a simple definition i have used for years:
The Non-Stock Item indicator controls the default Manufacture value for order releases in Sales Order Entry, and the default Purchase value for material requirements in Job Entry. Non-stock items default as “Make” or “Purchase” when they are entered in these programs. Simply parts are bought or made to order (MTO).
For Qty Bearing : Specifies if the Epicor application should support full inventory functionality for this part. The Quantity Bearing check box is selected by default when adding a new Part. “Simply, does this part go into stock and get transacted?”