Question in Subquery BAQ

Are we able to do this in BAQ

Thank you!

  1. Are you sure there will always only be one salesperson on your orders?
  2. There’s a new feature where you can paste SQL into a BAQ and give it a whirl.

I think it’s a browser only feature though.



That’s just a subquery. But you could accomplish the same thing with a left join to the SalesRep table.

But, as @Chad_Smith pointed out, that join isn’t going to work out all the time because the list is is a ~ delimited field, so if you have more than one, the join won’t work.


Thank you i didnt know that.

Thank you all i got the solution.

BTW, there is a way to do the link and you can search for it. Wait, @DaveOlender did a video.


On other way to solve this problem.

Putting expressions in join like @DaveOlender did in his video does work well.