Question: Can Suggestions be added to Existing PO's?

Good Afternoon,
Just a general question on how Epicor works. Can PO suggestions be added to existing PO’s? We often have blanket PO’s with suppliers and would prefer to add lines to existing PO’s over creating additional ones that need to be tracked. Does Epicor have this functionality or is it best to copy and paste?

Thanks in advance,

I don’t think so. But if you do manually update an existing PO (to satisfy a PO Suggestion), the next time generate suggestions is run, it should remove that suggestion (as it’s demand is taken care of in that existing PO).

The need by date may throw this off. If a PO Suggestion is created because you have a material with a need by date of 5/1, and you add that material to an existing PO, but enter a promise date of 5/2, it might create a PO Sugg, to try and satisfy getting the material by 5/1.

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Thanks Calvin. Will make sure I pay attention to the suggestions if I copy them over.