(Shawn Hobdy)
August 3, 2017, 9:58pm
I am trying to do the PO approval email alert they have been asking about for forever.
I created a data directive on the Erp.POApvMsg Standard directive.
It checks for a condition of “1” on the MsgType and goes to a set argument/variable.
I created a variable called ‘EmailAddress’.
This is where I am getting hung up.
I need to pull the EMailAddress field from PurAgent.EMailAddress and feed it to the send email through the variable I created.
What I put in there is:
(from row in Db.PurAgent where row.Company == ttPOApvMsgRow.Company && row.BuyerID == ttPOApvMsgRow.MsgTo
select new {row.EMailAddress}).FirstOrDefault().ToString()
I then passed it to the email in the To field but it didn’t work.
I then put my email in the To field and put the result of the variable in the body so I can see what it has in it.
This is what it spits out: { EMailAddress = }
That is with the curly brackets.
I then created a variable and just put this in it:
I put that in the body next to the other and sent it. I got this:
It doesn’t have the Curly brackets.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help is appreciated.
(Jose C Gomez)
August 4, 2017, 12:27am
You are creating a new anonymous object in your LINQ query. Change it to say just select row.EMailAddress without the new. The new keyword in C# instantiates a new object.
Some sample code, might help you a bit.
// Email Notification
// 08/01/17 HK: Initial Implementation, since this is considered a temporary, lets keep it simple
// Initialize Actions
Func<string, string> GetCompanyAddressAction = (CompanyID) => {
var Company_Row =
(from sc in Db.SysCompany.With(LockHint.NoLock)
where sc.Company == CompanyID
select new { sc.EmailFromAddr, sc.EmailFromLabel }).FirstOrDefault();
if (Company_Row != null) {
return string.Format(@"""{0}"" <{1}>", Company_Row.EmailFromLabel.Trim(), Company_Row.EmailFromAddr.Trim());
return string.Empty;
Func<string, string> GetCostPerCode = (CostPerCode) => {
switch (CostPerCode)
case "E":
return @"/ 1";
case "C":
return @"/ 100";
case "M":
return @"/ 1000";
return string.Empty;
// Initialize Variables
string EmailTO = "";
string EmailCC = "";
string EmailBCC = "";
string EmailSubject = "";
string EmailBody = "";
// Get POHeader
var ttPOHeader_Row = ttPOHeader.FirstOrDefault();
if (ttPOHeader_Row != null)
// Get Vendor ID and Name
var Vendor_Row =
(from v in Db.Vendor.With(LockHint.NoLock)
v.Company == ttPOHeader_Row.Company &&
v.VendorNum == ttPOHeader_Row.VendorNum
select new { v.Name, v.VendorID }
// Set Subject
EmailSubject = "[ Alert ] PO #: " + ttPOHeader_Row.PONum + " was issued from Company " + ttPOHeader_Row.Company;
// Start Email Body
EmailBody += string.Format("Purchase Order <b>{0}</b> was issued from Company <b>{1}</b> on <b>{2}</b> to Vendor ID {3}, <b>{4}</b>, for:",
ttPOHeader_Row.PONum, ttPOHeader_Row.Company, ttPOHeader_Row.OrderDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), Vendor_Row.VendorID, Vendor_Row.Name );
EmailBody += "<BR><BR>";
EmailBody +=
@"<table width='100%' align='center' border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;' bordercolor='#CCCCCC'>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<th>Line</th>"
+ "<th>Part</th>"
+ "<th>Our Qty</th>"
+ "<th>Vend Qty</th>"
+ "<th>Unit Cost</th>"
+ "</tr>";
// Get PO Lines
var ttPODtl_Rows =
from pod in Db.PODetail.With(LockHint.NoLock)
pod.Company == ttPOHeader_Row.Company &&
pod.PONUM == ttPOHeader_Row.PONum
select new { pod.POLine, pod.PartNum, pod.XOrderQty, pod.OrderQty, pod.IUM, pod.PUM, pod.LineDesc, pod.DocUnitCost, pod.CostPerCode };
foreach (var ttPODtl_Row in ttPODtl_Rows)
EmailBody +=
+ @"<td align='center'>" + ttPODtl_Row.POLine + "</td>"
+ @"<td align='center'><b>" + ttPODtl_Row.PartNum + @"</b><br><span style='font-size: 8pt'>" + ttPODtl_Row.LineDesc + "</span></td>"
+ @"<td align='center'>" + Math.Round(ttPODtl_Row.XOrderQty, 2) + " " + ttPODtl_Row.IUM + "</td>"
+ @"<td align='center'>" + Math.Round(ttPODtl_Row.OrderQty, 2) + " " + ttPODtl_Row.PUM + "</td>"
+ @"<td align='center'>" + Math.Round(ttPODtl_Row.DocUnitCost, 2) + " " + GetCostPerCode(ttPODtl_Row.CostPerCode) + "</td>"
+ "</tr>";
EmailBody += "</table>";
// Send Email
var mailer = this.GetMailer(async:true);
var message = new Ice.Mail.SmtpMail();
message.SetFrom( GetCompanyAddressAction(ttPOHeader_Row.Company) );
message.IsBodyHtml = true;
1 Like
(Shawn Hobdy)
August 4, 2017, 4:22pm
Thank you Jose!
That was exactly my problem.
I have no background in C#, so I didn’t recognize the issue.
Hopefully I won’t be caught on that one again!
I also want to thank you hasokeric.
I will be pouring over the code and see what I can learn from it.
Everyone’s help is definitely appreciated.