Pushing a Quote to an Order is defaulting to Make Direct

After creating a quote for a part that is in Part Entry. Part is a stock item. When the quote is pushed into an order. The release is by default checked as Make Direct.

What is triggering this?


The part is marked Qty Bearing in part entry?

My guess is the “Non Stock” checkbox is true. That checkbox is present on both the Main tab and the Sites tab. Ensure both are FALSE and this should not happen.

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Here is another take on why this could be occurring:
In our environment, there are stock parts that do not have a unit price or reside on a price list, therefore manufacturing details are brought into the quote to determine costing. That line is then flagged “engineered”. When that quote is pushed, that line will flagged “make direct” on the release.

If that process seems familiar to you, it is easy to test. Create a quote with two lines, both the same part master part number. Line one, enter a manual price; the end. Line two, bring in the mfg details, complete the costing worksheet and flag the quote line “engineered”. Complete the quote per your process and then push both lines into a sales order. Line one would look as intended, line two would have the release flagged as make direct.