We provide customers with a try-before-you-buy trial kit and for free or a low fee.
I’ve been tasked with adding checkboxes on the QuoteHed to capture when we are providing kits out on this premise.
(We can’t use identifiable part-numbers as these will become the parts kept by the customer if they go ahead and purchase).
So far, no problem, however I need thee checkboxes to carry over to the sales order OrderHed table.
Just an FYI - Once you get it working to “push” a quote to an order, you’ll need to do something similar for the SalesOrder.CreateOrderFromQuote directive so you can “pull” a quote into an order during Order entry.
Back when we ere on V8, we had some user fields copied from the Quote to the Order, and it was pretty straight forward. V8 didn’t have a graphical BPM designer, so it had to be done in code. It only took the following lines:
for each OrderDtl where OrderDtl.QuoteNum = iQuoteNum,
each QuoteDtl where (QuoteDtl.Company = OrderDtl.Company and QuoteDtl.QuoteNum = OrderDtl.QuoteNum and QuoteDtl.QuoteLine = OrderDtl.QuoteLine) and OrderDtl.Number10 = 0 and QuoteDtl.Number10 <> 0 no-lock.
if available OrderDtl then do:
Run lib\UpdateTableBuffer.p(input BUFFER OrderDtl:HANDLE,'Number10',QuoteDtl.Number10).
Note that’s from the CreateOrderFromQuote: which is part of the SalesOrder BO. Basically the “pull” from quote, compared to your “push” to order.
yes you can use the FillByQuery… this will create as many records as there are in the query. Then you call the UpdateEXT method i believe, and it will put the data away.
It’s a shame that Epicor doesn’t allow us to create our own UD Field Maps… this would do what is needed but there is no pre-configured map from quotehed to orderhed included that I know of.
I remember! I was against working outside the framework even back then! No roll-back recovery or backing out if the user cancelled the transaction. It’s the kind of tool that VW would have loved to use for its emission software!