Purchasing Suggestions Generated In The Past

Hi All,

Running “Generate Suggestions” in our pilot database that is on 10.1.600.13 yields purchase orders appearing with historic order by dates in “New PO Suggestions”. I have run it multiple times and the “Allow Historical Dates” checkbox in generate suggestions is clear. Is there a setting I have missed in the company configuration or elsewhere that could affect this? Has anybody experienced behavior?


There is a company level setting for allow historical dates also which
affects MRP jobs so you may want to test it first before turning it off.


Hi Brad,

Are you referring to the “Allow Scheduling Before Today” checkbox under CC > Modules > Production > Job? That checkbox is clear.


Ok, so are you getting unfirm jobs generating in the past also?


Hi Brad,

There are no unfirm jobs showing in the past.


Hi Adriano,

Did you ever find the cause of the historical PO dates?



Hi Matt,

No I did not, sorry. We interpret historical dates as requiring expediting.


Thanks Adriano.

We are on 10.2.400.5 are experiencing this despite it being relatively new. Kinda thinking we will be heading the same way on expediting dates in the past (especially since Epicor seems to not flag urgent items anyhow).

Hi Adriano,

We were seeing historical dates for the order by on the PO Suggestions but now they’ve gone and cant get them back. What are the criteria you are aware of the puts the dates in the past?


If Job Scheduled start date is in the past & the system stock of job material is not sufficient to fulfill the requirement. Then system generates PO suggestions on that particular date.