
Thanks for your help Joe!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Konecny [SMTP:jkonecn@...]
> Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 1:04 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] Purchasing/Manufacturing
> When you go from manufacted to purchased you're screwed. You need
> to assign it a new part number. The BOM flag remains stuck on
> even if the most recent revision has no methods. Therefore the
> costs are never included when doing a rollup. This is "by design".
> KCaldwell wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > I'm taking a purchased components and manufacturing it. I set up the
> > and router and do a mass replacement. The problem I'm having is that I
> > still have to go into each BOM to click view as assembly. Does any-one
> have
> > better way to do this so I do not have to open each BOM?
> >
> > Also, what happens when you want to changed from purchase to
> manufacturing
> > or manufactured to purchased and want to use the same exact number?
> >
> > I appreciate any help!
> >
> > Karen Caldwell
> > Engineering Coordinator
> > kcaldwell@...
> >
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> > vantage-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> vantage-unsubscribe@egroups.com

I'm taking a purchased components and manufacturing it. I set up the BOM
and router and do a mass replacement. The problem I'm having is that I
still have to go into each BOM to click view as assembly. Does any-one have
better way to do this so I do not have to open each BOM?

Also, what happens when you want to changed from purchase to manufacturing
or manufactured to purchased and want to use the same exact number?

I appreciate any help!

Karen Caldwell
Engineering Coordinator
When you go from manufacted to purchased you're screwed. You need
to assign it a new part number. The BOM flag remains stuck on
even if the most recent revision has no methods. Therefore the
costs are never included when doing a rollup. This is "by design".

KCaldwell wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm taking a purchased components and manufacturing it. I set up the BOM
> and router and do a mass replacement. The problem I'm having is that I
> still have to go into each BOM to click view as assembly. Does any-one have
> better way to do this so I do not have to open each BOM?
> Also, what happens when you want to changed from purchase to manufacturing
> or manufactured to purchased and want to use the same exact number?
> I appreciate any help!
> Karen Caldwell
> Engineering Coordinator
> kcaldwell@...
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> vantage-unsubscribe@egroups.com