Purchase Part A, Receive Parts B, C, D, E

I know, I know! This sounds like an obvious “just buy B, C, D, E”…

Our customer is also our supplier. They supply us a kit of proprietary parts that get used in the assembly of a finished good that we ultimately sell back to them. They want to sell us 1 kit for each 1 finished assembly they are expecting to buy. Said kit contains 10 or so separate parts that we will manage. So we really need to receive 10 separate parts but our PO will always be for 1 “kit” of parts. It’s the classic purchase kit discussion that I’ve read about and I know doesn’t exist. Ideas for the best way to handle this?

Are they received as bulk or as a kit. If they are packaged as a single kit, you could just consume 1 kit for every assembly and inventory the kits. The only problem with this is when someone breaks open a kit and balancing it back up. We got lucky we had a vendor that would only sell as a kit and shipped to us in bulk. They offered to kit the product for free and we actually didn’t require any extra storage space to hold them. This allowed us to only track the kits then.


We discussed this… but I didn’t think it was viable because the parts don’t all get consumed at once. We have subassemblies that get built up using the parts in different stations and those subassemblies are eventually what will go to the line. Plus, we will inevitably have to manage individual parts when we damage or lose something…

My other bad idea if we could not have gotten this to happen was to create a job that would consume the kit and make the broken-out parts. It was critical for us as we actually order 2 kits from the company. Most units use kits A and B, some only use kit A. The A and B kits actually shared something like 40 of the 45 parts so counting inventory was terrible.

Is that what co-parts are?

Yes, I was going to use co-parts.

Do those show up as additional entries in the JobPart table? Do you know? We don’t do anything with them today…

I will mess with it in Test. Thanks for your suggestion.

You figure this one out? We buy our custom cartons as a set, they’re sent in as components, but invoiced based on the lowest common denominator of the set. Vendor is allowed 5% overage on the set, but will sometimes send more components then that at no charge.

We typically just buy this stuff direct to job and let the cost flow through that way but have a repeat job that we keep ending up with some overage on…so much that it would negate having to purchase any at some point if we’re able to keep track.

Yeah I was able to get this to work using Co-Parts. It’s a pain in the butt to setup. I believe just like any other job, you can report the quantity above the actual quantity that the job calls for if you are allowed to do that on a regular job. Essentially, you’re creating several co-parts on the job using the one material.

I don’t want to assume… but I am operating under the assumption that your carton is Part A and then you have different components within it as parts B, C, D, E, etc.

Essentially, the carton (part A) is purchased. Then, all your parts that come in the carton are manufactured (B, C, D, E, etc). You pick one of them to structure a method to. You set the concurrency field to Concurrent on the Revision. Then you structure the method with one operation and one material (the carton). Then go to the CoParts tab on the revision and list out the different other parts from the carton. Make sure to set the quantities per carton properly. For instance, if there are two of one part for every one of another indicate that by putting 2 in the Yield Per. Costing is tricky. I haven’t worked that all out yet but essentially you just pick the cheapest cost and leave it at 1 and then assign the cost of the others as a ratio of the cost per component vs. the lowest cost item.

Part B = $1 = 1 Cost Factor
Part C = $2 = 2 Cost Factor
Part D = $5 = 5 Cost Factor

You would schedule/release the job as you receive them in and look to store them as their individual parts, rather than the carton. To complete the job, you would open up Report Quantity for the operation and then you have to go to the Co-Parts tab and report the quantity for each co-part. Then You complete it and you will see transactions that consume the 1 material and add proper quantity for each of the co-parts on hand. Costs should work out as a fraction of the whole carton based on the cost factors entered.

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Thanks for the additional info, I’ll have to start doing some testing!

Glad to hear that co-parts at least solved this issue albeit a little more setup.