Purchase Order Suggestion - How to determine what suggested the PO after it's generated?


Hello Epigurus,

We’re trying to back track some of our material purchase orders back to the suggestion. In the past I’ve used the SugPoDtl to looks at current suggestions, but it looks like the suggestions are deleted from that table once the suggested PO is generated. Is there a historical suggestion table I’m missing? Any one know of a way I can link a PO back to it’s original suggestion?

I would use Time Phase to see what is driving the demand for the purchased part.


Good idea, that should cover most of what we’re looking for. We’re basically trying to determine what sales order some material was purchased for. Unfortunately some of the material’s orders have been closed short, so the demand isn’t in Time Phase anymore.

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I am not super familiar with this but I think multi-level pegging could help with this?


Pegging is a lot like TimePhase in that after the demand is gone the rest is cleared. Our buyers are notorious for printing a daily complete timephase report for CYA, so when the demand disappears they can point to when it was in the system.

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Thanks for the info! Our buyers do similar stuff for CYA, and we archive a PartDtl/Time Phase BAQ weekly. I was just trying to find an easy way to throw it all into aBAQ, but it’s looking like the suggestion is totally deleted after a PO is created.

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I think there is also a log you can make verbose enough to get a decent idea of the last run.

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Check out the report parameters the next time you run generate PO sugg or MRP and the different logging options there.

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Thanks, will do!