When purchase orders are being raised, The Purchasing Dept informs me Epicor auto populates the revision to order. We found this morning on part XXXX revision ‘E’ was populated and ordered whereas it has never been approved or released. It’s part of a change we have sitting ready to release but not ready just yet. Revision ‘D’ has been approved since 2016.
I’m a bit concerned if Epicor is auto populating unapproved revisions to order as this will no doubt cause huge problems. Obviously it would be a huge amount of work for Purchasing to have to confirm revisions on every single part when ordering.
We have seen this issue with manufactured revisions - system defaults to the revision with the latest effective date less than or equal to today. Effective date generally defaults to the day that the revision was created/last saved.
I believe this functionality allows you to pre-build a revision, and allow it to be used from an effective date - if the effective date is set in the future, an order placed today will not use this.
We wrote a BPM that sets an unapproved revision to 31st Dec 2199 - it records the previous effective date in the notes for traceability. Alternatively manually set the effective date in the future and it will not use that for orders