Purchase Order- Effective Unit Price

PO line item, Effective Unit Price is taking 2 decimal points (refere to attach screen). We have checked in extended properties it’s already set upto 5 decimal points (refere to attach screen)

Can anyone advise me how to change the effective unit price to 5 decimal points.

On the currency master, you will find the decimal places information. Many people make the mistake of using 2’s for all of the decimal places. Especially the general decimals where inventory quantities look.

Charlie Smith

CRS Consulting Services


Dear CTCharlie, Please find the below attachment. How to change the decimal places in currency master.

That is the hard part. Once the currency is used, it locks those items in.

EPICOR must have an answer. I told someone else to do a SQL update and change the Currency.GeneralDecimals field to 5. I don’t know how it went.

@anon31358647 Chinsky do you know how it worked?


@Mark_Wonsil can you please let me know, how to fix this issue.

Does that UOM have a number of decimals set?

And you could change the price per from “/1” to “/1000”

$0.01234 / 1 = $12.34 / 1000

Just be careful with any custom PO reports or BAQs. You need to apply that price per factor

Another option is to create a UOM conversion to the suppliers UOM. Then select to use the Suppliers Qty. Typically suppliers price their product in larger UOMs (like $/1000 FT, /MMSCF, etc…) to avoid the fractional cents. And also something that inexpensive usually has min purchase Qty, such that those 3rd plus decimal places in the extended cost are insignificant

We have a yarn that we set the IUM to FT, but the cost is fractions of pennies / FT. And the supplier actually sells it by the pound. With 1 LB = 8610 FT

Yes, Refer to below screen

dear @ckrusen, if we update the Currency DecimalsGeneral, DecimalsPrice & DecimalsCost using update sql statement (mentioned below) then it will not get worse?

Update Erp.Currency
SET DecimalsGeneral = 3,
DecimalsPrice = 5,
DecimalsCost = 5
Where Company = ‘EPIC01’ and CurrencyCode = ‘AED’

When we had this issue, we called Epicor Support and they did it. Mark Chinsky is the person in the thread who did this before.

One of the other Marks…

@mchinsky, can you please let me know, how to fix this issue.

There is a fix from epicor support. You can increase the decimal places but you cannot decrease.


@josecgomez, can you please let me know, how to fix this issue.

If Jose doesn’t answer, he’s busy today. We can escalate it to @Chris_Conn

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Dear User,

To answer you questiojgjmvcajasfojjasf…<Transmission Error>


Please visit the below Epicor knowledge base link to get the proper solution, I tried it , it is woking fine.

Epicor Knowldege base