Purchase Advisor Customization

Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone has done any customization on the Purchase Advisor module. I was not around for the older purchase advisor module but I was told it had a site dropdown to choose from. We are looking to add the ability to search by site within the module. Would it be easier to just create a dashboard rather than digging into a customization ?

I haven’t tried it but it looks like it is bringing in all sites info to most of the tabs. At quick glance, it does not look like plant is included in the epiDataViews already in Purchase Advisor. You would need to do something to get the plant for each record (I’m not sure which method would be best) and add that as a column in the dataview. Then you could control with a row filter.

Purchase Orders themselves are not Site-specific… each PO Release can be set individually. By default they are set to whatever Site the user is in when he/she creates the PO Release, but it can be changed. Therefore the Site is only referenced in the PORel table, not POHeader nor PODetail.

BPMs could filter the different datasets by the current site if desired.