When you run a configurator on Configurator Rule Entry then press save you are led to a Configurator Test result form where it shows the operations and materials. However, it won’t display the actual part numbers but only our material placeholders labeled as “MPH-EA”. So the way we test our configurators is to test them on the quote level which returns legitimate part numbers, but I’m trying to make it happen on the Rule Entry level upon saving a configurator. Through the Trace Data, I could see that these part nums do get pulled but I’m having trouble accessing it in my customization.
The BO method that contains the data is the ConfigurationRuntime.SavePcValueConfiguration method.
I can’t access this method in method directives. It seems to only be accessible in Customization. Any ideas on how to pull the actual PartNum?
Yeah, the test configurator rules sucks, don’t bother use it. Testing at the quote level is more tedious (approve/unapproved, etc) but the test rules window is beyond useless to the point where I just do all my rules in UD methods and use the rules as little as possible.
If you are dedicated enough to make your own testing screen, maybe you could look into running the configuration through the BO’s yourself, via a customization or REST.
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Were you able to use SavePcValueConfiguration ?