Propagate Need By / Ship By To Line Problems

Having an issue here.

Epicor 2023.2.11

They asked me to make them a dashboard, and one of the features was to be able to change the need by or ship by dates for all the lines on an order.

I said no problem, because I knew Epicor had that feature.

Except of course I can’t get it to work.

Fast forward an hour or so of repeat tracing and debugging, and I can’t get it to work consistently in Sales Order Entry either.

Process, you change the need by or ship by on the summary or header page of sales order entry, and save. It will give you this dialog.


So you click yes, and it should redo all the dates.

Well it does not. (I think it did once / but kinda lost at this point, so unsuer)

Anybody seen this before?

It will only change the lines that share the same date as the header. So if you added 10 lines and they all inherited the need by date from the header, then changed 4 lines to have different dates - then when you change the header value, only the 6 matching lines will change.


Ahh, now with what you said, I can re-read it, and see that.

That is not at all clear though.

I guess doing it manually is the only way to be sure. :sob:

sigourney weaver michael GIF

Sigourney Weaver Aliens GIF

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I feel better now, you pointed out something stupidly simple for me recently regards Try…Catch…… now I’ve been able to repay the favour :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You coulda called 2 hours ago…