With 2018 comes new revenue/cost recognition rules for those who do Projects.
I’m not an accountant but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express one time so I know that you’re supposed to match costs with your revenue. In the new revenue recognition rules, the revenue is tied to a completion of a phase. Epicor can do that using the Revenue Recognition Workbench. The part I don’t understand is that when you recognized revenue, the RWB pulls costs from ALL OPEN JOBS. If a job has no costs charged to it, it’s WIP value goes negative. (???)
Does anyone know how to control how the costs are pulled within projects (phases)?
I’m hoping that .400 will do this. Epicor has introduced Revenue Recognition by phase and I am assuming that he costs will be pulled by phase as well. We won’t see .400 here until July though.
It ain’t pretty. We do manual revenue recognition but have a BPM that zeros out the costs. Finance closes the associated job to force the costs out. They will re-open the job if there is more expected work. I know. Not pretty.
That is one of the options we came up with as well. You are right, it is not pretty at all. I was hoping you had some super-sexy method. Thanks for your help!
The other thing that would be nice to have is a Revenue Recognition Workbench so you don’t have to recognize revenue a single project at a time. It would display the WBS recognition candidates, do a Build Project Analysis on the selected items (to set the posting date and calculate the costs), let the user review the results, then post in a batch.