Progress Exports, next step (are we to adolescent s teps yet?)

I noticed that you had posted this E-mail several months ago and was
wondering if you could expound a little more on the

"straight - record for record queries by copying and pasting from the
Export Utility in Vantage"

How are you doing this and are you getting good results?

I am looking for an automated way to export Table Data out of Vantage.

--- In vantage@y..., Todd Caughey <caugheyt@h...> wrote:
> Have you looked into the new VBI module (CorVu BI)? If I recall
> from Perspectives this does some pretty amazing exporting to Excel
> presumably .csv). There is a webinar today. If you need the
connect info I
> could forward it.
> -Todd C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@e...]
> Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 9:50 AM
> To: Vantage
> Subject: [Vantage] Progress Exports, next step (are we to
adolescent steps
> yet?)
> Many of you have been able to export .csv files directly using small
> Progress programs. I have done this with straight - record for
> queries by copying and pasting from the Export Utility in Vantage.
> crossroads I have come to is this:
> Is there a way to Group, Summarize and Total fields in an export?
> anyone have sample code to do that?
> Specifically, I want to take the OrderHed, OrderDtl, and OrderRel
> Group by PartNum, Find the formula OrderRel.OurRelQty -
> (OrderRel.OurJobShippedQty + OrderRel.OurStockShippedQty). This
would be
> the BalanceDue.
> Then I want to Summarize the BalanceDue for each PartNumber.
> Output to the .csv file would only include: PartNum, Description,
> BalanceDue.
> Any ideas?
> Troy
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Have you looked into the new VBI module (CorVu BI)? If I recall correctly
from Perspectives this does some pretty amazing exporting to Excel (and
presumably .csv). There is a webinar today. If you need the connect info I
could forward it.
-Todd C.

-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Progress Exports, next step (are we to adolescent steps

Many of you have been able to export .csv files directly using small
Progress programs. I have done this with straight - record for record
queries by copying and pasting from the Export Utility in Vantage. Next
crossroads I have come to is this:

Is there a way to Group, Summarize and Total fields in an export? Does
anyone have sample code to do that?

Specifically, I want to take the OrderHed, OrderDtl, and OrderRel tables,
Group by PartNum, Find the formula OrderRel.OurRelQty -
(OrderRel.OurJobShippedQty + OrderRel.OurStockShippedQty). This would be
the BalanceDue.
Then I want to Summarize the BalanceDue for each PartNumber.

Output to the .csv file would only include: PartNum, Description,

Any ideas?


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Yahoo! Groups Sponsor




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You can simply create a crystal report based on the export (assuming you
have crystal). Rather than using the ODBC microsoft text driver, or linking
access tables, I prefer to use the ADO jet driver to reference CSV files.

Go Database->set location->set location->more data sources->
Active Data->Active Data(ADO)->make new connection.

Select "ADO OLEDB"
in the connection string field paste:

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\vntgwrk\;Extended

you can replace c:\vntgwrk\ with any valid path where csv files are located.

Click OK (Do not click BUILD)

you are then prompted with a dropdown list of csv files. Check SQL Query
instead, and type

Select * from WhatEverTheExportNameIs.csv

This report can be posted to a web server, or distributed as a compiled
report, just as if you were using ODBC. Just remember its looking at data
that is only as current as when the last export was run, and the workstation
from which the report is viewed has to have full access to the csv path.

It is possible in the procedure editor to write progress text reports that
look just like the vantage canned progress reports, with subtotals and all.
You generally use the DISPLAY statement, and sometimes the PUT statement for
these kind of reports. However, I prefer using crystal for final report
output, and just using progress for queries.

I'd check out the language tutorial at for the basics on writing
progress exports and reports. The Language Reference, and Programmer's
handbook are also good sources for progress syntax.

The next step after this, I would say, is creating progress/CSV export based
reporting solutions that refresh everytime the report is run, only pulling
the records that need to be pulled. I use Visual Basic to write apps that
prompt the user for whatever selection critera, pass to the progress export
program the selection criteria, and then run the crystal report based on the
csv export.

Why not just use ODBC? Because alot of the report requests I'm given
require the use of temp tables, and multiple data passes, sometimes meshing
two tables (side by side, one on top of the other,...) into one table. I
prefer writing these complex queries in the native 4GL rather than
SQL92/Visual basic. CSV format seems to still be the easiest interim data
format, because you only have to use simple EXPORT statements on the
progress side.


-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Progress Exports, next step (are we to adolescent
steps yet?)

I have this report done in Crystal which, as you say, is quite simple.
But it is just step one of a two-step report that will use those numbers to
input to another report that will list all the subcomponent materials for
those assemblies. I know I could do it in Crystal as all one report, along
with a subreport; but if I could automate the first part with Progress and
have it export nightly (as we do with some other reports), then the second
part would run nice and fast and could be run on demand.

So, I'm looking for a Progress solution for the first part to make the
whole thing more automated and quicker.

Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Stetter
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Progress Exports, next step (are we to adolescent
steps yet?)

Troy, I don't have the answer using Progress but this would be very simple
to do with Crystal and ODBC. From Crystal you can export to Excel. I
created numerous reports designed specifically for export to Excel and use
Crystal Decision WebComponent for client access. This setup has saved me
tons of aggravation and time.
Jim Stetter
-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:50 AM
To: Vantage
Subject: [Vantage] Progress Exports, next step (are we to adolescent

Many of you have been able to export .csv files directly using small
Progress programs. I have done this with straight - record for record
queries by copying and pasting from the Export Utility in Vantage. Next
crossroads I have come to is this:

Is there a way to Group, Summarize and Total fields in an export? Does
anyone have sample code to do that?

Specifically, I want to take the OrderHed, OrderDtl, and OrderRel
Group by PartNum, Find the formula OrderRel.OurRelQty -
(OrderRel.OurJobShippedQty + OrderRel.OurStockShippedQty). This would be
the BalanceDue.
Then I want to Summarize the BalanceDue for each PartNumber.

Output to the .csv file would only include: PartNum, Description,

Any ideas?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
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