Program logic - Auto Receive - Vantage 8.03

We use auto receive and last operation enabled. We build strictly to moves to inventory everything you report for completions
at the last op regardless of what the job was launched for.

We have a 7 day correction period between the completion & closing of
a job......that includes adjustments to reported quantities. I built
a dashboard to manage that process. If anyone wants a copy e-mail me
at bcarlson@....

At 11:57 AM 8/31/2009, you wrote:
>I'll be running a test regarding this but thought maybe there is
>someone who already has an answer.
>According to Vantage help in regard to Auto Receive:
>If you use this feature, this receipt updates the quantity on hand
>on the part record. The process is triggered when you post labor
>quantities against this operation that exceed the quantities
>required for the sales order.
>What happens is there is no sales order linked to the job...does it
>auto receive any quantity?
>Job 1 for Part A - linked to sales order
>Operation for Part A is marked Auto only excess
>quantity of Part A would go into inventory.
>Part B is listed on this job as a sub-assembly (raw material to
>produce Part A).
>The operation on Part B's MOM was marked Auto Receive.
>Does it auto receive anything?
>Does it auto receive only material in excess of the JOB requirement?
>Visual example:
>Part A - linked to sales order
>Operation - Auto Receive
>Material - Part B marked "Pull as Assembly, View as Assembly"
>Part B
>Operation - Auto Receive

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'll be running a test regarding this but thought maybe there is someone who already has an answer.

According to Vantage help in regard to Auto Receive:
If you use this feature, this receipt updates the quantity on hand on the part record. The process is triggered when you post labor quantities against this operation that exceed the quantities required for the sales order.
What happens is there is no sales order linked to the job...does it auto receive any quantity?


Job 1 for Part A - linked to sales order

Operation for Part A is marked Auto only excess quantity of Part A would go into inventory.

Part B is listed on this job as a sub-assembly (raw material to produce Part A).

The operation on Part B's MOM was marked Auto Receive.

Does it auto receive anything?

Does it auto receive only material in excess of the JOB requirement?

Visual example:

Part A - linked to sales order
Operation - Auto Receive
Material - Part B marked "Pull as Assembly, View as Assembly"
Part B
Operation - Auto Receive
We DON'T autoreceive - but I've seen impact of having a method OP mistakenly set to autoreceive: It doesn't matter what type of demand link it is - it autoreceives the labor reported qty (even if it is the 2nd of 20 OPs).'

If you had multiple types of demand links in a job (make to order, make to job, make to stock), I have no idea what the order of autoreceipts triggered by partial labor reporting would be (Would it 1st do make to order, then make to job, then make to stock?... I have no idea what native sequence of behavior would be in this case).

Easy to test.

From: judyh001 <judyh001@...>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 11:57:22 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Program logic - Auto Receive - Vantage 8.03

I'll be running a test regarding this but thought maybe there is someone who already has an answer.

According to Vantage help in regard to Auto Receive:
If you use this feature, this receipt updates the quantity on hand on the part record. The process is triggered when you post labor quantities against this operation that exceed the quantities required for the sales order.
What happens is there is no sales order linked to the job...does it auto receive any quantity?


Job 1 for Part A - linked to sales order

Operation for Part A is marked Auto only excess quantity of Part A would go into inventory.

Part B is listed on this job as a sub-assembly (raw material to produce Part A).

The operation on Part B's MOM was marked Auto Receive.

Does it auto receive anything?

Does it auto receive only material in excess of the JOB requirement?

Visual example:

Part A - linked to sales order
Operation - Auto Receive
Material - Part B marked "Pull as Assembly, View as Assembly"
Part B
Operation - Auto Receive

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We autoreceive everything that doesn't have lot or serial control and it works really well for us, but...

For those jobs, we only report time and quantity on the final auto-receive operation, the rest of the operations are backflush. We only have one demand link per job.

And, I think there was a post about someone needing to write a BPM to prevent autoreceived parts from being manually received as well. This would be something you'd want to look out for if you had a mixed environment.

--- In, Robert Brown <robertb_versa@...> wrote:
> We DON'T autoreceive - but I've seen impact of having a method OP mistakenly set to autoreceive: It doesn't matter what type of demand link it is - it autoreceives the labor reported qty (even if it is the 2nd of 20 OPs).'
> If you had multiple types of demand links in a job (make to order, make to job, make to stock), I have no idea what the order of autoreceipts triggered by partial labor reporting would be (Would it 1st do make to order, then make to job, then make to stock?... I have no idea what native sequence of behavior would be in this case).
> Easy to test.
> ________________________________
> From: judyh001 <judyh001@...>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 11:57:22 AM
> Subject: [Vantage] Program logic - Auto Receive - Vantage 8.03
> Â
> I'll be running a test regarding this but thought maybe there is someone who already has an answer.
> According to Vantage help in regard to Auto Receive:
> --------
> If you use this feature, this receipt updates the quantity on hand on the part record. The process is triggered when you post labor quantities against this operation that exceed the quantities required for the sales order.
> --------
> What happens is there is no sales order linked to the job...does it auto receive any quantity?
> OR
> Job 1 for Part A - linked to sales order
> Operation for Part A is marked Auto only excess quantity of Part A would go into inventory.
> Part B is listed on this job as a sub-assembly (raw material to produce Part A).
> The operation on Part B's MOM was marked Auto Receive.
> Does it auto receive anything?
> Does it auto receive only material in excess of the JOB requirement?
> Visual example:
> Part A - linked to sales order
> Operation - Auto Receive
> Material - Part B marked "Pull as Assembly, View as Assembly"
> Part B
> Operation - Auto Receive
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]