Production Quantity

So, I’ve come to the (sad) realization that I must dream about functionality in Epicor that does not actually exist. Then, when I am awake and look for the functionality, I can’t find it.

Does anyone know of a way to adjust the production quantity of a job based on scrap/setup quantities on operations?

As an example, I have a job for 10 pieces with 2 operations. Operation 10 has a setup piece that cannot be guaranteed to be good. Op 20 has an expected scrap quantity of 2. So, instead of the prod quantity being 10, based on the inputs it should be 13. Then the job would update the required material based on how many pieces are expected at that operation.

I’m guessing I dreamed it, but before creating a customization to do this, I wanted to double check.

I always understood Prod Qty to be the required ‘good’ output.

…what if you are able to make good pieces without scrapping anything on the first or 2nd operations? You made what you really wanted/needed (10), but now Epicor will expect you to make 3 more.

Materials have a scrap qty you can set, of course that’s a pain if you have lots of materials on your job.

Yeah I agree with @andrew.johnson , Prod quantity is what you need at the end. Scrap should be the materials going into it. So if you add an expected scrap % or QTY the required materials include that.

But nothing will update the required material based on whether or not you actually scrapped something or not. Too many moving parts, and too many different ways for companies to want to handle scrap for that to work.

And, unfortunately there isn’t a scrap rate on operations, just on the material. So while it would be nice to say that “If this operation is used, add 10% scrap to the material” automatically, that doesn’t exist. You would have to set the scrap rate on the material at the time of creating the BOM.

Correction there is a scrap rate on operations… I’m just not sure it interacts with the material reqs.

@jkane Did you dream about production yield? I have no idea what it really does, but it could be what you want.

Production Yield

Production Yield

The Production Yield functionality is useful on jobs that have sequential operations. This feature adjusts quantities on a job based the actual production quantity reported on each operation.

Production quantity on these jobs is always affected when an operation produces a quantity that is less than the estimated quantity. These jobs are also affected when an operation scrap quantity is different (at variance) with the estimated scrap quantity.

When you set up production yield actions for each sequential operation, you can monitor job production. You can then make sure that the final job quantity is manufactured.