Production Detail Report- Where is information coming from

Hi not sure if someone could help me out figure out where the totals are coming from. The purchased & added material to job entry equals the 9,268.13 but do not know where the 9,396.18 is coming from.

Mostly the difference in material totals on the production detail report.


Hi Sydney, in our environment all of our jobs are created from details retrieved from a Quote. The left hand column is the estimated material cost from a quote and the right hand column is the cost of the material actually issued to the job. Not sure how your jobs are created but at some point someone put in an estimated unit cost for material. Hope this helps you track it down.

I believe its program totals, ie totaling report data based on fields from the JobAsmbl table… JobAsmbl.TLEMaterialCost and JobAsmbl.TLA.MaterialCost. Estimate and actual

The report is not actually pulling from the quote, but when you created the job, you may have told it to get details from the quote. But it is coming from the job.

Thanks! It turned out to be the estimated cost.