I created a new Part in Part Maintenance and assigned it to a particular group. In the Product Group, I selected that group and in the GL Code of that product group, at sales field level, I allocated a GL Account because I wanted to create an AR Invoice for that sales order with the GL Account not set as default but with one I assigned previously to that particular group in the Product Group>GL Control tab.
When I print the invoice, I still see that the GL Account displayed is the default and didn’t get override. Can someone assist on this please?
I will apologize up front as this may not make sense…There is either a check box in GL Control Maintenance that must be checked in order to override the account. Or you need to enter the GL Account you want into the “Account tab>Detail tab>Account…” screen and save it for that control group. Does your amounts fall into the default account or in the account you want? We’re having systems issues so I’m unable to look at the exact items I’m describing above. Hope this helps, or someone else can chime in to confirm. Good Luck.
The invoice line pulls the product group(PG) from the order line. If the order line was created before the PG was set for the Part, then the invoice is is just pulling in a “blank” PG.
You can override the PG during Invoice entry. So just change it to the PG you created. Obviously needs to be done before posting the invoice.
Setting the PG on the part will make it such that the Ordeline PG will be automatically set when the part is added to that line. Then when that order is used to create an invoice, that PG will be used to set the invoice line’s PG.
Changing the PG on the part does not automatically update the PG on existing orders or invoices.
Changing the PG on the order line does not automatically update the PG on existing invoices.