Process Server Lockups - Print Jobs Halt

Chris, thank you very much. Great idea.


From: [] On Behalf
Of cwm2k10
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:02 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Process Server Lockups - Print Jobs Halt

Hi Vic,
we're on the same setup - used to have this every few days - have since
setup a nightly sheduled task to restart the task & process agent
servers and rarely have a problem now - scripts are from the files
section of the group -

--- In <> , "Vic
Drecchio" <vic.drecchio@...> wrote:
> SQL 8.03.404B
> Has anyone had issues where all of a sudden when users print or
> reports (all reports) that instead of displaying/printing immediately
> they get sent to the "Scheduled" tab of the SysMon?
> More and more frequently we are getting calls and I see about 20 print
> jobs queued up in the Scheduled tab of the SysMon. A restart of the
> Process Appserver resolves the issue.
> Usually around the time of the error (*perhaps unrelated*) I see this
> the server log:
> [11/07/26@13:30:50.162-0400] P-012008 T-008360 1 AS -- (Procedure:
> 'SubmitToAgent Rpt/BAQReport.p' Line:4803) 23000: [Microsoft][SQL
> Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object
> 'dbo.sysagentsched' with unique index 'idxprimary'.
> I've requested help from Epicor support but no answer yet.
> Has anyone had this issue before? Thank you in advance for your help.
> Vic
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
SQL 8.03.404B

Has anyone had issues where all of a sudden when users print or preview
reports (all reports) that instead of displaying/printing immediately
they get sent to the "Scheduled" tab of the SysMon?

More and more frequently we are getting calls and I see about 20 print
jobs queued up in the Scheduled tab of the SysMon. A restart of the
Process Appserver resolves the issue.

Usually around the time of the error (*perhaps unrelated*) I see this in
the server log:

[11/07/26@13:30:50.162-0400] P-012008 T-008360 1 AS -- (Procedure:
'SubmitToAgent Rpt/BAQReport.p' Line:4803) 23000: [Microsoft][SQL Native
Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object
'dbo.sysagentsched' with unique index 'idxprimary'.

I've requested help from Epicor support but no answer yet.

Has anyone had this issue before? Thank you in advance for your help.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
That seems to happen to us at D&S at least once a week. It shows that progress actually gets hung up. We restart our Process server and Task Agent and it usually cures it for a week or so. Haven't seen work around yet to keep progress from hanging up. We do have several people using Open4.
Michael Brown
Master Scheduler
D&S ManufacturingÂ
715-284-5376 Ext. 344

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi Vic,
we're on the same setup - used to have this every few days - have since setup a nightly sheduled task to restart the task & process agent servers and rarely have a problem now - scripts are from the files section of the group -

--- In, "Vic Drecchio" <vic.drecchio@...> wrote:
> SQL 8.03.404B
> Has anyone had issues where all of a sudden when users print or preview
> reports (all reports) that instead of displaying/printing immediately
> they get sent to the "Scheduled" tab of the SysMon?
> More and more frequently we are getting calls and I see about 20 print
> jobs queued up in the Scheduled tab of the SysMon. A restart of the
> Process Appserver resolves the issue.
> Usually around the time of the error (*perhaps unrelated*) I see this in
> the server log:
> [11/07/26@13:30:50.162-0400] P-012008 T-008360 1 AS -- (Procedure:
> 'SubmitToAgent Rpt/BAQReport.p' Line:4803) 23000: [Microsoft][SQL Native
> Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object
> 'dbo.sysagentsched' with unique index 'idxprimary'.
> I've requested help from Epicor support but no answer yet.
> Has anyone had this issue before? Thank you in advance for your help.
> Vic
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]