Process calling in E10 (

Can you please advise me on the following : I have created a customization (this example concerns the country maintenance) and want it to be used throughout Epicor.
According to Epicor it should be possible to do this with the process calling :

I created a customization in Country Maint.
I created an entry in Menu maintenance (in the processes) for country maint with a new menuid and my customization.
And I create an entry in process calling maint. with called process reference = Erp.UI.CountryEntry.dll
and called from = empty
and menu id = my new menu id.

this is supposed to work. I have restarted Epicor, cleared cache, recycled IIS….but it does not work. What am I missing.

Please advise,

Process calling records are referenced / used when a form is programmatically called from within a running UI - typically Action Menu options or Context Menu options. When run from the Menu itself, Process Calling records are not in play.

Assuming that you are not trying to launch Country Maintenance from the Menu and really are going through the Process Calling path, drop the “.dll” from the Called Process Reference and see if that works. You should only need to exit the Client and then Login again to activate. Also check the Menu Record referenced to ensure it is available to your company / all companies.

Thanks for your reply, Rich. What we are looking for concerns running directly from the menu.
So we will have to activate customizations all over Epicor…