What is the procedure to close out the end of the month/year in E9?
Currently we have a hodgepodge of assorted tasks with Epicor supplied reports and Crystal reports.
We switched to STD from AVG costing at the beginning of the year. We would like to clean up our system by implementing a structure or checklist for period end. I assume that Epicor would have a prescribed method but I cannot find it.
You can close a period by using the GL/General Operations/Close Fiscal
If you are not ready to close the period, you can also use the Earlier
Apply Date process to only allow certain transactions to post to an earlier
date and then once you are done with the fiscal period you can close it then
If it is for year ending you should also run the Transfer balances program
under GL/General Operations/Transfer balances program to move the balances
to the next fiscal year
Epicor does have a procedure for month/year end closing I can send you