It looks like other people have ran into this but I can’t see any clear solutions in the other threads. Since upgrading to 2022.2, if I use “Get List” in my updateable BAQ on my computer, I get a slew of errors. If I rdp into the server and run the client there it works fine. The updateable BAQ (in a dashboard) itself works fine. Its just the designer that has this problem. Epicor support says the problem is caused by multiple installs of .net on the workstation and the only solution is to reinstall windows. I just can’t fathom this. Why? I certainly don’t have time to rebuild my computer from scratch. None of the other software on my computer cares how many versions of .net I have? If BPMs run on the server why are they compiling on the desktop? And why are they failing to compile when I have the .net 6.0 sdk installed?
Do you know how to use process monitor?
You can add the process you want to monitor.
On both machines close client, opent client, do not start any of bpm. Then run process monitor and select to monitor Epicor.exe.
Then run UI that gives you error on one machine and not on another - BPM or UBAQ. Save the traces in both cases. Maybe their difference will show what is going wrong.
Just frustrating that valid syntax is failing on my computer. I literally cannot use a code widget on my desktop since upgrading to 2022.2. While yes, I CAN remote into the server, I shouldn’t have to be doing that all day long, it should work on my desktop.
It writes it cannot see several files from .NETCore folder, for example:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\6.0.9\System.Runtime.dll
Do you have this file somewere in C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App ?