Printing is Slow

Tried calling Epicor Help and she was like, I will create a case and we will get back with you. So, whatever.

I have been fighting Epicor all day on printing; it prints, but takes FOREVER! If I print from Excel it prints normal speed. So to me it seems to be Epicor.

I went into the server and restarted the ICE Task Agent and SQL Server Reporting Services. Is there anything else I can restart or do to make the printing to normal speed again?

Where is the time being spent for printing? if you check the System Monitor, on the Active Tasks tab, the actual printout will not be sent to the printer until after it finishes running the report in the Active Tasks. with the info given so far, we dont know if the extra time is in generating the report, or spooling it.
Also… if you look at the reports tab, it is possible to select a pre-generated report and re-print it… you might try that to see how long that takes:

Just quickly looking at the System Monitor on History, as we have no active tasks right now, it shows only about a minute per print at the longest. Also, right after I called and posted this, everything seem to go back to normal. Never had the issue of normal then slow, then normal, etc like today has been.

I’ve seen this happen when there was a large “batch” of invoices or acknowledgements spooled up for the task agent. Any chance something similar was occurring?


If things were ok yesterday, and not today, odds are restarting something will return it to a normal state.

What version of ERP are you on?
Have you restarted both the SQL server and Epicor IIS server? (or, at the very least, the application pool tied to the taskagent configuration)

Sorry, reading out of order so it is back to normal now. Can you confirm your ERP version?

Along with the other comments, don’t hesitate to review the PDT output to see if there are any environment issues to be aware of. PDT has a good help system to walk you thru diagnosing issues.

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@aidacra My servers are set to reset every week on Sundays, so I have done so today. Yesterday everything was good, but last week Friday they couldn’t print anything until I remoted in and restarted the services. 10.1.400.19

Working on updating to 10.2.

Have a theory. Before spreading community wide panic by me commenting on it here now, I’ll update you via the epiccare case to confirm/deny my theory

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Case number: 933263