Print stuck in Immediate Run

Ok, this is stupid question and in E9 I could fix it in a heart beat.

We just set up a E10 and a new AppServer. All my print jobs are stuck in Immediate Run. I have recycled the Application Pool…still no luck. Not sure why it is stuck. Maybe I set something up wrong…

As I was typing this I closed E10 and opened back up to check it and now have some more info. But why do I need to set all user accounts up to ‘Allow Session Impresonation’?

Hey there have you checked the task agent and made sure that is is running for your database, you might need to restart it.

You only need to have 1 user, normally manager setup as “allow session impersonation” and this user is setup in the task agent , and system agent, your normal users do not have to have this box ticked.


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check out this thread. I made a Ubaq to clear them out when the mismatches happen. (when it doesn’t allow you to delete the task from the system monitor) It doesn’t happen often.

ClearActiveTasks.baq (29.6 KB)

As to the session impersonation, I think you have another problem. I don’t deal a lot with printing so I won’t be much help there, but I’m pretty sure we don’t have users set up with impersonation rights.

Edit: I just checked, and no. I am not setup as allow session Impersonation, and I can print just fine.

We do have a user called “print” though, and that user does.

KB0039354 PRINT all background processing tasks are sitting in scheduled tasks in System Monitor

should help you resolve this issue

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Bookmarking that one!

Yup that was it… It is working now. UGH. totally missed that.

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just curious do yo have the Task Agent user and the Admin Console user set the same?

Yes we do have the same user in both.