Print Lables from BAQ Report

I have a very simple BAQ that I designed, It has 3 columns, Job Number, Part Number, and Serial Number. It’s filtered down at the BAQ level to only include a short list of PN’s so when you run it you see all the SN’s that were assigned to that PN and which job they are on.

We want to use this BAQ in a SSRS report to print the SN, out so they can wrap it on a part.

I’ve already created the Custom report menu item, and the report itself, and I have on field on the report for just the SN, but the default expression is “=First(Fields!SerialNo_SerialNumber.Value, “BAQReportResult”)” When the report is run and a Job number (that has multiple assigned SN’s) is entered in the filter, it sadly only prints one page with one SN… I would like it to be one page per SN, what am I missing in that expression to do that?

I got it! I don’t know if it was the best method or not, but this is how I did it.
I inserted a Table wizard and put the Report Result SN field as the “Value” No row group and no column group, no subtotals.
Once that was in place, I removed the header column and then down in the Row Groups section I went to group properties for the =(Details) line and in the “Page Breaks” section I checked off the “Between Each Instance of a group”
This gave me a cell per page with each one of the SN’s that are associated with the job number I entered in the main report option field.


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Ok, so in addition to this, does anyone know how to make a field on a BAQ report mandatory and not allow it to be left blank?
This BAQ will generate 12,960 pages if the Job number “Option” is mistakenly left blank. There is the immediate printer selection box that comes up after hitting print that should jog the memory of “Did you enter a job number” but I was just wondering if I could prevent the full BAQ from trying to print.

Three options in increasing difficulty:

Set a default value to the option. At least then they had to intentionally clear it out to break it.

Modify the report so it doesn’t print if the option field is blank. This is a little ugly since it will generate al the data, but fail to print.

Make a BPM or screen customization to error if no option is entered. (Maybe that’s four options)

Thanks for the suggestions, I will have to try a few of these options to see what works best.