Print Issue

One user is not able to print any reports. I had her clear the cache and restart; didn’t help. I had her change archive date to Day and in task manager, it showed complete, but couldn’t Print Preview from Actions. I ran it on my end and it went through immediately. Anyone had this same issue? Ideas?

Once we had an issue with Adobe wanting to be updated, and when you tried to preview, you’d get nothing.

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Checked that and still nothing. Removed her personalizations, still no good. Crazy, this is the only user and I have already reinstalled Epicor on her local machine this morning.

The user can print from other windows programs okay?

Can open PDF’s (and the PDF extension has a program associated with it)?

They possibly have a non-existing printer as their default?

Does having Acrobat open prior to previewing a report make a difference? Try this both ways - submitting a report for preview, and previewing from System Monitor.

Can they preview a report that you created (and set as archived) from the System Monitor?
(not sure if special rights are needed to see others print tasks - I’m a Sec Manager so I see them all)

I am Sec Manager as well. I had her try to send it to the actual printer and nothing printed. I’ll try the others.

Figured it out. So, I had to have some people paste in the link into the target field in their icon properties. Well, whatever they did, it was pointing to the wrong place. Got that fixed and everything printed!