Print Button on Dashboard

I have a dashboard where I have added a Print button and have a field that displays the selected value. I have used the wizard to add a Click event to said button. I then added the code to print it, which works in other screens.

LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();
lfo.ContextValue = epiTextBoxInvoice.Text;
ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans, “CIPRINT”, lfo);

The problem is that the dashboard doesn’t know what oTrans is. Is there a way around this? Object Explorer isn’t showing me an obvious replacement.

It’s best you deploy the Dashboard and make a Dashboard-Assembly Menu Item and then Customize the Menu Item (Actual Customization Layer).

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How do you get to the value of a field on that dashboard? I want the value of the first field of the selected row on the dashboard, I can’t get to that data from that type of customization. Do I customize the tracker view to add a field, then getCSM in the other customization? So I have one internal customization and one external?

Ok, I tried the two customizations, it almost works if I run it from the Menu, but not as an Embedded Dashboard. The Print Button doesn’t even display if it is Embedded. (it did display when I modified the internal Customization) It must be an Embedded Dashboard, they won’t be running from the Menu.