Price list not pulling in for sales order

Alright I’m rewriting this.

We normally update part sale price via DMT by the part. We have not been using price lists.

I’ve been doing research and figured…
Prices lists are for sale price of parts
Supplier Price Lists are for cost of parts, what would show up on POs

Correct me if I’m wrong on the above.

The issue I haven’t solved is when I create a price list and add an existing part, it doesn’t update the sale price.

I read the help section and it said it will pull the price from Price list if no price is set. Well the price already was set, so I changed it to 0.00.

When I create a sales order it shows the part as 0.00.

Either I’m wrong or I’m missing something.

Still trying to figure this out. Seems I’m close but the issue is, when I create an order, it doesn’t pull in the price list price for the part.

I cleared the sales unit price in part maintenance.

We use price lists so I might be able to help, but I’m a little unsure of what you mean by ‘when i create a price list and add an existing part, it doesn’t update the sale price.’

When we create a price list we have to set a start and end date for it. Are your dates set properly to have an active price list?

When you enter a part into a price list, are you expecting Epicor to populate the base price field?

Thank you.

What I’m trying to do is get the price list price to pull in for a part on a sales order. And not the Sales unit price on Part maintenance.

I was able to get it to work when I set the price list to the customer, under price lists.

But I’d like to get to work for all customers.

The thought being that I create a price list for say Vendor A.
I setup groups as Vendor A.
Assign those price lists for Vendor A to product group Vendor A.
When I create a sales order for a part from Vendor A, it will show the price list price and not the part sales unit price.

I’ve tried assigning by product group but it doesn’t seem to be working or I’m not understanding how price lists are supposed to work.

As I understand the product group should supersede the part sales unit price based on price list hierarchy.
Customer → Customer Group → Product Group → Part

Also would be cool if there was a way to sync the latest price list price to part maintenance sales price. BPM would probably be in order for that? Or maybe there is something internal that I don’t know about?

We have price lists set at the customer group and when it’s missing from the price list, it populates the part price.

I didn’t think you could attach a price list to a product group…

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I certainly could be misunderstanding how it works but that’s what I read.

Talking with Epicor reps, they say we should be using Price lists and not updating part pricing via DMT to the part sales unit price.


Most everything you said makes sense, except this:

Myself, I do accidentally say “vendor” and I mean to say “customer” more often than I care to.

But if you do indeed mean “vendor” here, then this would be the problem. There is no link from vendor pricing to customer pricing…

Also, I learned a thing or two the other day:

I did mean customers. Maybe this is a better way to explain it.

We want to run many prices lists. Because we have like 50+ vendors. So I can’t have just one price list. Which means if I have to add the price list for all customer accounts, then I have to add all the price lists. Which is why I was/am hoping I can put all the price lists in a group and assign the group to everyone.

I think what I figured out is that, yes, you can group but it’s not the way I’d like. When you create a price list you can select a part/product group but then all the parts in that group are at the price set in the group under price list. Not by part. Which won’t work.

So best I got at this time is create all the price lists, then set a BPM to load the price lists into customer accounts. Really not the way I’d like but that seems to be the way.

Seems to me there has to be a better way.

I solve it.

  1. Create the price list
  2. Add parts to price list
  3. Open Customer Group Maintenance. Set the price list to the customer group you want.

All customers under that group will now get that price from the price list.

Now it’s a matter of creating all the price lists for each vendor.

Only questions/issues I have:

  1. Sales staff is used to the price in part maintenance. Instead of seeing it when you create a quote or sales order. So that might be a learning issue.
  2. Unsure what “global list price” is under price list per part. Doesn’t seem to do anything from what I’ve seen.
  3. For some reason it seems like my price lists disappear? I’m in pilot. I had 2 price lists yesterday. 0 this morning. I don’t recall deleting them. No one else is in there. I never set an expiration on the price lists either. Don’t know what that is about.