Preventing next operation if previous not completed?

Is there a setting that would prevent a user from scanning an operation if a / the previous step was not completed?

There is a Shop Warning but not an actual setting to prevent this. You would need to write a BPM to do this.

I see, thanks for the information. Do you know where would one begin with setting up the BPM?

Consult the Epicor ICE Tools User Guide. This is available through Epicor Help and EpicWeb.

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Have you searched this site yet? I believe you may be able to find the information by searching using the magnifying glass above since this topic has been discussed previously.

There are a few ways you could do the BPM. The standard way would be to query the DB to see if the prior op has been complete then raise an exception.

I was curious if I could change the shop warnings into errors in a BPM and it looks like that is possible.
By adding a post process directive to DefaultOpSeq you can change the warning to an error.

First test if vMessage is not empty. I think it will only be filled by shop warnings. (That needs to be verified)

Then raise an exception with the warning text.

The result is the normal shop warning is changed to a stop and the operation is reset to 0.



I have a different approach for validating operations. Depending on the Level field is how I need to validate the operations. For example: Level 1 can be validated if all Level 0 processes are validated, and Level 0 processes can be validated at any time, not necessarily sequentially.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?