Preventing accidental dual uploads via DMT

Does anyone know of a way to prevent accidental dual data uploads with DMT? We issue all our material to jobs via DMT and accidental dual issues are a nice mess to clean up. Any ideas on how to prevent this?

Don’t do this if you can avoid it. Try to keep just one or two users with DMT rights/access. Why can’t you issue materials to jobs with the built in tools? This is probably one of those times where it is better to change the process than to change the functionality.

Having said that, I am sure there is a way to tap into the active processes submitted by DMT. I imagine that some kind of data directive, or method directive can check for other processes. However, I am not sure if directives fire off properly if you are running DMT.

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Yeah, don’t use DMT for regular, every day data entry. Sure, the canned material issue process can be a bit much. See if you can substitute a dashboard, BPM, Function, something else that will speed up transactions without resorting to dumping Excel files into the system.

Yeah…you could probably add a pre-proc BPM to whatever UpdateExt DMT is calling and have it check for identical key fields in the existing DB. Like Job, Mtl, Seq, Qty, user. It’s a hack, but should be doable. It solves the “DMT is duping my transactions” issue but doesn’t solve the bigger “you shouldn’t be using DMT this often” problem.

FYI, DMT always calls UpdateExt which is a helper method that takes, say, a partial Job Record submitted via DMT or UBAQ, populates it with the rest of what Update needs, and then calls Update. So not only do all of the BPM’s on Update fire, but for can add specific controls on UpdateExt to manage mass updates.

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It does.


But, I’d rather use an Epicor Function which could avoid duplicates.

Appreciate everyone’s input. Unfortunately my sob story is I’m one of those one man shows that needs to issue parts to 15 jobs every day and guess what - we pick what is easy. I’ll check to see if I can find anything on identical key fields… against everyone better judgement :slight_smile: Life leaves me choice less at times

Any good ideas on how someone could mass update multiple jobs outside of DMT?

Well, one way would be…

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could you elaborate on that?

An Epicor Function is like a BPM that can have a callable URL. You would pass in the jobs and the materials in a JSON blob, the function would parse out the blob by job and material, look to see if the quantity to post would exceed the quantity required, if not call the Issue Material business object (which is what DMT does), and moves to the next job.

More information, see the ICE Tools Guide or search this group for Epicor Functions.

What’s wrong with using ‘Mass Issues to Manufacturing’ ? We get 50-200 jobs a day, and our mfg clerical group would pull out their hair if they had to do it one job at a time.

Help link to 2022.2:

Mass Issues to Manufacturing (Mfg)

Article last updated: July 27, 2023 20:46

Use Mass Issues to Manufacturing to quickly issue the planned materials to a job, rather than enter each transaction individually.

The main advantage of Mass Issue to Manufacturing is that it issues material to the subassemblies at the same time. Part transactions generated through this app reduce inventory quantities and post material costs to jobs. This app is useful if your material estimates are accurate.

After you select the parts listed in the Pick List for Jobs report, they can be issued from inventory to the job or assembly that requires the material. You can do this line by line or with the mass issue function.

When jobs have several raw material requirements, you can use the mass issue function to expedite the issuing process. The mass issue function works well with job materials not controlled by serial numbers. If the job calls for lot-tracked or dimension-tracked material, select the appropriate lot number or dimension code when you process the mass issue. You will receive prompt messages when you save the transaction.

The system allows you to mass issue materials based on the Negative Qty Action setting located in Part Class Maintenance (None, Warn, Stop). If you:

  • Select None then the system allows you to issue more material that you currently hold in stock (go negative).

  • Select Warn then the system will warn you that you are overstepping the current on hand quantity. However, you can still mass issue and go negative.

  • Select Stop then the system will prevent you from going negative.

You link a part class to a material in Part Maintenance.

In this article, we will cover:

and so on…


I’m assuming these are stock items being issued. If they are make direct the final operation would issue to parent job if flagged final and auto receipt. If they are buy direct, the PO receipt issues them direct. This is defaulted by the Part, Site tab. If nonstock is checked, demand will default make/buy direct.

Mass issue to manufacturing is really handy when you prekit your jobs. It takes the parts out of inventory and puts them in WIP.

Another option is putting related operation on you materials on the BOM and setting them to backflush. Those parts stay in inventory until the related operation labor is claimed. There are shop/MES warnings you can set up for over/under reporting labor to help with backfkush accuracy. You can’t use thus method if the materials are lot or serial tracked though.

Epicor gives you many options, you just need to find what works best for your organization.

Good luck,

Thank You for the input. Our situation is uniquie - somewhat. Everything we do is make to order so no one job is the same in regards to a MOM/BOM. And we’re required to do lot tracking on all our parts. SO backflush and some of the ‘easier’ Epicor methods don’t work so well. The reason we revert to DMT is because of that complexity, and also because we are struggling to get our BOMs from our CAD software effectively into Epicor (think the one man machine here…)