Prevent shipments without deposit received

Just checking before somebody creates what might be an unnecessary specification - is there built-in functionality for making sure goods don’t get shipped if there’s an outstanding deposit invoice against the order?

Not sure if it would work, but play around with the Stop Shipments when Credit limit is exceeded. Set the limit to $1.00, and see if an outstanding Advanced Invoice stops shipments.

We do it the same way. All orders requiring advance payment or deposit have a credit limit of $1. The credit manager releases the order only after receiving the payment of advance/deposit. This way we are sure that the payment has been received.



I can confirm this works, but unfortunately it’s because we use that method already for non-credit-account orders, so we can’t use it for our new situation.

We’ve started a line of business where each order is significantly larger than we’ve been used to, and we want to make sure each is 50% paid for before shipping anything. We already use the credit hold for a different type of customer, but these will have credit accounts in many cases.

It looks like maybe BPMs are the way to go here because we’ll need to look specifically at whether a related deposit invoice is paid or not.

You could put the order on hold (after it’s been released to mfg and the job locked? Not sure if that would goof up suggestions / MRP ). We’ve added UD codes to add various hold reasons and stages.

Yes, that was the route I was going to explore. I was mostly just interested to know if there was a built-in way, since it seems logical to suppose that most people wouldn’t want to ship goods they needed deposits for.

I think UD’s and BPMs are in order.

  • Add a UD to Customer, to indicate they require pre-payment/deposit.
  • Add a UD to OrderHead (or detail), to indicate it requires pre-payment/deposit.
    • set this order’s UD whenever Customer UD is set
  • BPM to clear order UD when payment is processed
  • BPM to prevent shipping a packer with order lines whose order UD is still set.

I think it may be possible to track back all in one go, from Shipment to OrderNum to InvoiceNum and check whether it’s a deposit invoice and whether it has an unpaid balance.

But yes, I think this is all doable, I was sanity checking to see whether we were reinventing a wheel.

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You can flag at the company level to not allow shipments on sales order rather than do a warning - staying with core logic that way. You’d still need to find a way to identify orders that received the deposit payment, release them from sales hold, and let production know it’s available for shipping.

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