I have a request from the finance group to modify the posting rules in the following way:
This is all non-inventory items. I need the tax amount to follow the account on the PO or where we code it.
For inventory items there shouldn’t be any taxes, but if there are we should be expensing it to a specific purchase price variance account. We do not want taxes to be included in our inventory.
I have never messed with the posting rules before, but my boss is pushing for me to learn instead of relying on consulting. Can someone offer me some guidance? I got as far as finding them, but I’m a little lost within.
Well, I got this far using the PE Log Viewer.
Little lost as how to get the GL from the PO Release, however.
That does not seem to be one of the fields available. Am I restricted to those?
The Posting Rules are quite arcane … have you downloaded the ERP Posting Engine Technical Reference?
We have revised a few Posting Rules, and the reference is useful, although what it doesn’t do is tell you how to get the general hang of it all. It’s more about the specifics. And in my experience, there’s no substitute for utterly clear guidance from your Finance team about what they want to achieve, which can be the biggest hurdle.
Where you’re asking about the fields available within the specific line, those are detailed in the area above under “Posting Codes”. You’re limited to what’s there, but you can add to them by various means.
This is why I say you need your Finance team to be utterly clear!
What you’ve quoted is ambiguous, hence @lcosilion comments as much (and also why I wasn’t specific myself). You can retrieve what you like in whichever rule you like, but if the values are not already available then it’s always advisable to check that what people appear to be asking for is in fact what they need.
I’ve had most success by chivvying someone Financial to come and look at the posting rule screen and going over the contexts with me. They usually know which will apply once they see them listed in that form, and will be much clearer about what exactly needs to change.
Re testing, I believe you can only apply the rule and then run through a scenario which triggers what you want to test. I’d be very happy to hear if anyone knows another way!
From a ledger point of view, the goods in are costed when they’re received in, which happens under COS/WIP. That is obviously usually before the AP invoice. Generally, the posting of an AP invoice (which you’re logging) is a matter of tying up with the goods in rather than the first and only time any costs are recorded in the ledger. You could do with logging both processes to get the complete picture.