Hi, I havebeen trying to make a post request to create an ARInvoice line using /InvcDtls in Rest API.
When I post, I get a response but it doesn’t show in Epicor and the field is also grayed out.
This is the request
{ “ORUnitPrice_c”: “10.2”,
“Company”: “EPIC06”,
“InvoiceNum”: 87180,
“PartNum”: “TEST-TEST-TB04-Labour-THOD”,
“LineDesc”: “TEST-TEST-TB04-Labour-THOD”,
“UnitPrice”: “10.2”,
“DocUnitPrice”: “10.2”,
“SellingShipQty”: “5”,
“DspSellingShipQty”: “5”,
“DspUnitPrice”: “10.2”,
“DocDspUnitPrice”: “10.2”,
“TaxRegionCode”: “UKD”,
“ORCustID_c”: “TestCust”,
“DispGLAcct”: “4000|THO|OP|BS|TestCust|BodyLabr”,
“RowMod”: “A”
I get the response
But in Epicor there is nothing and it is grayed out.
What could be the error please?