What is the difference between posted vs glposted? I have a cash receipt that is posted, but not glposted from a previously closed period. Finance is trying to do an AR adjustment on the invoice and is receiving the “There are pending cash receipts for this invoice” error.
Not being a finance guy, my gut is telling me they can’t write off the remaining balance to a gl, because the cash receipt never glposted. However I don’t know what that is or why it might happen.
Did you ever get this figured out? I’ve got the same issue. We had a Debit Note created on one day (not GL Posted), and then an adjustment the next day. I’m not sure why, but now it seems to be stuck. Nothing in the review journal.
But in my case the cash receipt has already been done and posted. The extra money went into a debit note. They are now trying to write off/adjust this debit note. I think something was done incorrectly as the Cash receipt is showing as not “GL Posted”.
You know its funny that you brought this up recently, and go figure a ticket came in about it again for me. I ended up having two cash dtl records for that specific invoice. The main dtl record was posted, but there was a blank adjustment record of 0. Upon further research and including some testing i did, it was resolved after the adjustment record was marked as posted via the DB. Ill have to find the other post i found
Turns out, ours is related to the original invoice not getting changed in the record. The balance is not being zeroed out after the writeoff. They gave me a datafix to help with this.